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EDM Texas

From Bayous to Breakdowns: Buckten's Bass Journey

Rooted in the pursuit of crafting delicate yet raw bass music, BuckTen aims to immerse his audience in an audible journey like no other. His musical odyssey has traveled from the heart of Louisiana to the vibrant landscape of Austin, Texas, marking a significant chapter and bringing forth a new phase in his artistic endeavors. We had a lovely chat with Buckten about the essence of his mission, while we also explored the intricate balance between his delicacy and raw power that defines his unique musical landscape. 

BuckTen’s Musical Journey from Louisiana to Texas 

EDM Texas: Can you take us back to your beginnings in Lake Charles, LA, and share how your early experiences shaped the artist you are today?

BuckTen: I’m originally from Lake Charles, but I’ve moved a lot in my lifetime, so I would say it all began in Mandeville, LA! During my senior year of high school, my buddy introduced me to DJing using a tractor S2 controller, and he would always bring it over to my garage.  With just one speaker, he taught me how to mix on it, exploring genres like deep dub and artists like J.Phelps, 50 Carrot, and more. Eventually, I became proficient at DJing and after a while, I started to think about how to elevate it to the next level. Initially, it was pretty intimidating since I lacked any musical background. From there, I got a piano and started learning to play simple melodies as well as my favorite songs. That was the big hurdle - making music when I had no clue what I was doing! 

EDM Texas: What were the musical influences or moments that sparked your passion for creating bass music?

BuckTen: I saw Liquid Stranger live and it was a significant experience for me, along with attending various festivals. His genre of music is what kept me moving in that direction. I used to listen to a lot of melodic bass artists that immersively drew me in and I appreciate both the pretty melodic and heavier stuff, which is where I find a lot of my inspiration. 

EDM Texas: Your journey in the electronic music scene has seen you grace stages at notable events like ZOOLU, Independence Festival, and Buku Music & Art  Project in Louisiana! How have these performances contributed to your growth as an artist, and are there any particular performances that stand out as a stepping stone in your musical career?

BuckTen: I believe the Buku & Music Art Project was the most significant for me, as it was a capstone moment in my career. It marked my inaugural major music festival performance, and it turned out to be with my best friend, Don Peyote. He’s not just a close friend but also the one who initiated me into production and guided and aided in crafting my initial songs. I appreciate that he recognized and liked my music and I’d like to express my gratitude because it has significantly benefitted me! 

Photo Courtesy of Baked Up Management

EDM Texas: You recently made the move from Louisiana to Austin, Texas! How’s the city treating you so far? 

BuckTen: Over two years ago, I was living in Sulfur, LA where there isn’t that much to do, especially when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. With limited friends and motivation, making music felt challenging. The isolation was tough and except for Don, I only had a few friends. Moving to Austin was a significant leap and establishing a new life and friend group here was a journey. The growth from there to here, however, is remarkable because, despite the initial “new kid” factor, the opportunities in Austin are vast. In my experience, there is a collaborative spirit, and people are eager to work together and uplift each other. This is precisely what I sought by moving here - finding a like-minded crew with shared goals. 

EDM Texas: How has the location change influenced your creative process and the evolution of your sound? 

BuckTen: Touching grass every now and then is refreshing! I used to live in the middle of nowhere, with limited options for entertainment and inspiration. Austin changed that for me. The city offers so much to explore, with numerous friends and collaborators. Hanging out with talented peers has enhanced my skills, with many teaching me valuable lessons. I’ve ventured into new musical territories since living here, inspired by outings where I encounter new music or unique scenes. There’s more to explore in Austin, providing ample inspiration! 

BuckTen And His Genre-Defying Productions  

EDM Texas: Your musical portfolio showcases a remarkable diversity, ranging from drum and bass to serene, melodic dubstep! Can you walk us through your creative process when approaching different genres? 

BuckTen: My approach varies depending on the project. There isn’t a single method I stick to when making music. For instance, if I create a heavy dubstep song, the next track might lean towards something melodic, soft, or even drum and bass. I constantly avoid repeating the same style to keep my production diverse. When developing my own sound, I resist staying confined to a specific genre. Interestingly, I’ve received advice from more established artists suggesting that creating the same song repeatedly is the key to making it big. However, that approach doesn’t align with my preferences. I enjoy being diverse - my sets cover a wide range. The unpredictability, not knowing when comes next, adds to the fun and is something I find crucial in my creative process.

EDM Texas: How do you approach each new release to ensure it pushes the boundaries of your production skills? 

BuckTen: My secret sauce involves mixing and mastering. While I can get my songs about 95 percent there, the final touch to achieve that industry-standard sound comes from my mixing and mastering engineer Sean Tessier.  He’s highly influential in sound design, and sitting in the same room, and watching him transform my songs from a B+ to an A+ grade is truly enlightening. Working together, we identify subtle mistakes that might go unnoticed during repeated listens. Having an external perspective is crucial to combat ear fatigue, which can obscure things you might miss.  This, for me, is the essence of my process. Additionally, my friend group plays a significant role, as we share projects and each member contributes their unique talents. For example, I may not excel in writing melodies, but my friend Sean does, leading to the creation of impactful songs. Another friend of mine, Lucas is a pro at production speed, as he sends me ideas that I can readily hop onto. It’s a collaborative effort where each friend inspires the other. Without them, I wouldn’t have produced half the music I have now. 

Memorable Experiences

EDM Texas: Your recent performance at Freaky Deaky 2023 has garnered a lot of attention! Were there any standout moments or interactions that you found particularly memorable, and how did this performance contribute to your connection with the Austin electronic music scene?

BuckTen: I’d say the most memorable moments for me while performing were those instances when I could look up and connect with the crowd. Being on the decks, I had to consciously remind myself to glance at the audience. It’s easy to get absorbed in adjusting knobs and changing settings, and sometimes that set flies by so quickly that you forget to look up! However, when I did take those moments to look up, seeing my friends, both old and new, along with managers and fans who supported me, was truly heartwarming, and I’ll admit it, a bit emotional! I felt incredibly thankful for the strong friend group and support system surrounding me. Another standout memory from the festival itself was the unexpected backstage access! My friend and I positioned ourselves right behind the stage during Of The Trees’ performance, soaking in the experience of hearing our favorite songs played live. It was undeniably a beautiful moment!

Photo Courtesy of Baked Up Management

EDM Texas: You’ve also recently showcased your talent at the Half-Baked Block Party organized by Neon Native, as events like these often bring different atmospheres! Can you share insights into your performance and how it allowed you to express your creativity in a unique way compared to most events?

BuckTen: Lake Charles doesn’t have a big electronic music scene as it is more inclined towards country music and hip-hop. My friend, Colton Snyder, runs Neon Native and organizes electronic music events down there. While Neon Native primarily focuses on hip-hop events, Colton always includes me in the lineup. This support is significant, as he was my first when I returned to Lake Charles. Although I typically play a mix of hip-hop and other genres, adapting to the crowd’s preferences makes it more enjoyable. As an artist, staying true to your style is crucial, but catering to the audience enhances the experience. It was fun playing different music styles that I don’t typically include in my sets, adding a unique and enjoyable element to the performance. 

EDM Texas: Looking ahead, what can your fans and the music community anticipate from you shortly?

BuckTen: I’ve been working extensively on my music, collaborating with my graphic designer, Alex Ferrero. He played a pivotal role in my graphic design during my rebranding a few years ago for my first EP. Currently, we’re focused on creating teaser videos finalizing the mix, and mastering various projects. My goal is to release at least one song every four weeks, and I hope to release my entire collection soon. Additionally, there are numerous collaborations with friends and a plethora of remixes in the pipeline! 

As BuckTen continues to evolve and explore new horizons, we invite y’all to stay tuned for his upcoming releases and performances by following his pages below. The Austin electronic music scene is set to resonate with the energy and creativity that Buckten brings to the forefront! 


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